The midday heat was in full swing so we took refuge under a tree and gorged on sushi. The atmosphere sleepy in this small town. Middle aged men tend to their boats while the cool salty breeze brushes through our hair. Fridays have now been deemed "Fashion Fridays" for Abby and I. This Friday our escapade has led us to the marina. We mischievously observe the fish, chasing them up and down the path like excited children. We covertly do this to draw attention away from our photo shoot antics. The fishermen merrily assist in our pursuit to find the largest stingray. We quickly snap photos as the bystanders wander away. Our feet are aching and the sun is taking it's toll on our wintery skin so we dash barefooted across the gravel to the car. We drive to the dairy to buy our first popsicles of the season.
Hat: Thrifted / Shirt: Thrifted / Collar: Thrifted / Shorts: DIY Thrifted / Shoes: Gift