New Beginnings

“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.”

 In celebration of spring I thought I'd share some photos I took today in my grandparents garden with my new camera lens. Spring is my favorite season by far,but for some not so much as spring can bring on allergies. But never fear! Here is a compilation of natural remedies to help you get on with enjoying the beauty that spring has to offer.

 I am a huge fan of herbal teas as you can see from my little collection. You can find them at your local supermarket.

Green tea blocks the production of histamine and is one of the best homemade remedies for building the immune system.

Peppermint tea relieves nasal and sinus congestion. Drink it cold to sooth coughing associated with hay fever and allergies.

Chamomile tea is known to help as one of the beneficial hay fever cures.

Ginger tea and raw honey works to break up chest congestion and loosen phlegm. It strengthens the immune system and acts as a natural antihistamine.

Mum's remedy drink.

A small piece of fresh ginger (grated)
Juice of one lemon
1 tablespoon of honey
1 cup of boiling water

Dissolve the honey in a cup of boiling water. Add lemon juice and ginger. You can add cold water if needed.You can also add garlic for a serious hay fever buster as garlic also helps clear congestion and is known to be effective against hay fever symptoms. Lemons are a great source of Vitamin C. This recipe is also great for colds! 

Aroma therapy or steam inhalation is known to help. Mixing a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a pyrex glass bowl of hot water and inhaling the steam is known to lessen the severity of the conditions. You can also place a towel over your head as you lean over the bowl. This remedy is also great for your skin as it opens your pores and cleans them.

                             Flax seeds                            Sipping green tea from my Breakfast at Tiffanys cup

Omega-3 fatty acids may act to lower the amounts of inflammatory chemicals produced by the body after exposure to an allergen. Although additional research is needed, it appears that a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids may help decrease the incidence of hay fever. Great sources of Omega-3s are flax seeds,walnuts,brazil nuts,salmon and pumpkin seeds.