Sorry this post took a while, but a lot can happen in around 4 weeks....
University and its pressure has begun to arise. Anything from making new friends, finding the right area and class to be in at a very specific time, assessments and dead lines - the constant work and need from lecturers. And, well.... scoping out for good looking lads of course!!
It was March the 22nd. The weather, warm and sunny, yet chilling in the shade. Mood, excited and nervous. My stomach flipping in all different directions. Place, Ponsonby - The waiting room of Two Hands Tattoo with my best friend. Its was now 2 o'clock and my turn to be the one in pain.
The needle began to puncture my skin. I was holding my breath waiting to shed a tear... Yet I felt, nothing. The minutes flew by and I still felt nothing. Was this normal? I had to ask. But, it turns out, some people just cope with the pain better than others. So that must explain the many piercings I have. I feel no pain, so I go back for more.....
An hour had gone and the outline was complete. It was break time, the tattooist needed a cigarette. He ran out the door like his life depended on it. So I reached for my RedBull to gain some energy for the next 2 hours I would have to endure.

The colour was bright and bold. Creating art on my skin with each stroke of the gun's needles. Following the outlines and blending with detail. Soon my tattoo came to life as the green poured into the leaves and the yellow to the flowers. I woke up from a little nap as the vibrations had stopped. That was it, it was complete.
I stood up to take a look. Who was this person? Who was this new girl staring back at me? In fact, it was the new and improved me. I was now 18. Had been accepted into every university I had applied for. Lost 5 kgs. Oh, and not to mention it was a new year! Everything felt as if it was falling into place. But then, my stomach began to flip around again. How was I going to break the news of my new tattoo to my father...
Thank you to my best friend for enduring the boring hours waiting for me and taking the pics. Love you Bee! xox